Wednesday, February 9, 2011

GOP still doesn't get it

Dear GOP,

I suspect today was an embarrassing day for you. Your majority leaders in Congress just had a fast-track vote of the Patriot-Act renewal legislation kicked to the curb. I am sure you are at a loss for words. How can this be? Clearly you do not understand that the victory of the Tea Party was greatly the result of a tremendous growth in the American people's rediscovery of Libertarian values...or perhaps more accurately defined as American values but I digress... You see GOP, Libertarians like Freedom. We aren't you like Republicans with your rhetoric about freedom while you use signing statements to circumvent legislative oversight or when you engage in corporatism and legislate morality. No, we Libertarians, are principled. We believe that men have certain inalienable rights of life, liberty and property and government only exists to protect those rights. So we Libertarians, many of whom helped you win your majority in Congress will not tolerate business as usual.

Dear Democratic Socialists (a.k.a DNC),

Thank you for not voting to renew the Patriot Act. However, please spend a few minutes today engaged in some introspective thought on how paradoxical it is to believe in Civil Liberties of privacy while not believing in the most essential right of property. How can you see any difference between the immorality of illegal wiretaps and redistribution of wealth through government armed coercion? and please don't say the "ends justify the means" you'll start sounding like those you claim to be against.

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